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Sunday, September 30, 2012
Confused and lost yet feels good with you around me

Today shall be a slack day for me. Being feeling pretty tied down with job hunting and part time job here and there, till a point I have realized that I have not been spending much time meeting up with friends ever since I ord. 2 weeks have since past yet I am still jobless. I have turned down a few jobs previously, only now have I regretted.

Honestly, job hunting is tiring when one just keep applying and going for interviews. However I have realized that a lot of professional job require a year or two of working experience. But how is it possible if none of them are willing to even give us a chance in the first place. I hate it when one out of ten possibly states that kind of requirement and it's like that 10 percent chance has to be completed with those with a diploma certification like me and not pursuing further studies as yet. Exhausting I would say.

Sometimes relying on agents from various job agents are like putting empty hopes in them, for they will always recommend jobs which nobody wants and merely find you to fill up that vacancies, it makes me feel as if I have being conned each time I believe that they will find me my dream job. If otherwise, they will start telling you, you are asking too much as an entry level or there is no job which fits your bill. This just make me feel more lost and disappointed each time.

At times I may thought to myself, maybe if somehow I chose those less popular courses in polytechnic, will it be easier for me to look for a job now? For people in that field of work will be more than glad to hire you, than myself having such a common Diploma and have to secure a job with so many competitors around me now. Stressed, worried.

Nonetheless, though I know its a matter of time that I will have a job, and I know feeling lost is just another stage of life, probably from what I have seen so far from friends and relatives around me. Its normal, but will I be able to find my dream job? Or should I say, a job which is able to sustain my passion and interest for many years to come?

As for now, however, I think I will only have to find a stable $1.8k job and be satisfied with whatever I have, I guess. Despite not having found a stable job yet, I am so glad that my family and girlfriend has been here with me all along, encouraging me and giving me advise and moral support. So glad that I have them during my confused, lost down time. I shall be more optimistic towards the working society. I love you all!

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