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Sunday, April 14, 2013
New start, new friends, new me...

It has been more than 7 months since I last post anything in my blog. Still remember my job hunt I mentioned in my previous post and now I have been working for almost half a year already. My job hunt ended pretty soon. I can count myself pretty lucky to have found a stable job so soon with quite an unpredictable salary.

As people usually says, 赌场得意, 情场失意, sometimes things are just not up to one can decide. In the midst of craving my career path, I have lost someone important to me. Someone who meant so much once and everything just ends. I didn't really cry, but that doesn't mean Im not sad. It just feels I have lost a part of me together with the relationship, maybe this is the evidence of loving you deeply. You left a scar in my heart, maybe I did the same to you. Im not blaming you, but just wonder will anyone of us regret our decision someday sometimes somewhere. Im not a happy person to start with. I seldom really smile, but you brought one to my face, you brought me laughter, make me smile and i can say you are my source of happiness in the past when Im at the darkest moment in my life during army times. You make me strong, when Im weak. You make me smile when Im sad. But little did I know that Im losing you when you are trying hard. I have failed to hold you tight.

Im emotionally and have great demands and expectations in those around me. Im suffocating them and I know it. Even some of my friends told me. I should really learn to lower my expectations. To those who might be reading my post and have been suffocated by me, Im truly sorry, but I dont mean it, seriously. Maybe knowing me is your worst nightmare. =X

I will change, but try to give me some time to improve, ok? =)

Its good to be able to make friends with colleagues. Its not easy and I have found them. Its good to have them around with me during my down time. Hope we will still be in contact even 10 years down the road. Once buddy, always buddy. I shall look forward to my phuket trip with them. I bet it will be a fun experience. To my bunch of crazy yet funny clique, you guys rocks seriously! Don't ask me why, but just y'all are the best I can ever had.

Signing off-

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