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Sunday, April 14, 2013
New start, new friends, new me...

It has been more than 7 months since I last post anything in my blog. Still remember my job hunt I mentioned in my previous post and now I have been working for almost half a year already. My job hunt ended pretty soon. I can count myself pretty lucky to have found a stable job so soon with quite an unpredictable salary.

As people usually says, 赌场得意, 情场失意, sometimes things are just not up to one can decide. In the midst of craving my career path, I have lost someone important to me. Someone who meant so much once and everything just ends. I didn't really cry, but that doesn't mean Im not sad. It just feels I have lost a part of me together with the relationship, maybe this is the evidence of loving you deeply. You left a scar in my heart, maybe I did the same to you. Im not blaming you, but just wonder will anyone of us regret our decision someday sometimes somewhere. Im not a happy person to start with. I seldom really smile, but you brought one to my face, you brought me laughter, make me smile and i can say you are my source of happiness in the past when Im at the darkest moment in my life during army times. You make me strong, when Im weak. You make me smile when Im sad. But little did I know that Im losing you when you are trying hard. I have failed to hold you tight.

Im emotionally and have great demands and expectations in those around me. Im suffocating them and I know it. Even some of my friends told me. I should really learn to lower my expectations. To those who might be reading my post and have been suffocated by me, Im truly sorry, but I dont mean it, seriously. Maybe knowing me is your worst nightmare. =X

I will change, but try to give me some time to improve, ok? =)

Its good to be able to make friends with colleagues. Its not easy and I have found them. Its good to have them around with me during my down time. Hope we will still be in contact even 10 years down the road. Once buddy, always buddy. I shall look forward to my phuket trip with them. I bet it will be a fun experience. To my bunch of crazy yet funny clique, you guys rocks seriously! Don't ask me why, but just y'all are the best I can ever had.

Signing off-

Sunday, September 30, 2012
Confused and lost yet feels good with you around me

Today shall be a slack day for me. Being feeling pretty tied down with job hunting and part time job here and there, till a point I have realized that I have not been spending much time meeting up with friends ever since I ord. 2 weeks have since past yet I am still jobless. I have turned down a few jobs previously, only now have I regretted.

Honestly, job hunting is tiring when one just keep applying and going for interviews. However I have realized that a lot of professional job require a year or two of working experience. But how is it possible if none of them are willing to even give us a chance in the first place. I hate it when one out of ten possibly states that kind of requirement and it's like that 10 percent chance has to be completed with those with a diploma certification like me and not pursuing further studies as yet. Exhausting I would say.

Sometimes relying on agents from various job agents are like putting empty hopes in them, for they will always recommend jobs which nobody wants and merely find you to fill up that vacancies, it makes me feel as if I have being conned each time I believe that they will find me my dream job. If otherwise, they will start telling you, you are asking too much as an entry level or there is no job which fits your bill. This just make me feel more lost and disappointed each time.

At times I may thought to myself, maybe if somehow I chose those less popular courses in polytechnic, will it be easier for me to look for a job now? For people in that field of work will be more than glad to hire you, than myself having such a common Diploma and have to secure a job with so many competitors around me now. Stressed, worried.

Nonetheless, though I know its a matter of time that I will have a job, and I know feeling lost is just another stage of life, probably from what I have seen so far from friends and relatives around me. Its normal, but will I be able to find my dream job? Or should I say, a job which is able to sustain my passion and interest for many years to come?

As for now, however, I think I will only have to find a stable $1.8k job and be satisfied with whatever I have, I guess. Despite not having found a stable job yet, I am so glad that my family and girlfriend has been here with me all along, encouraging me and giving me advise and moral support. So glad that I have them during my confused, lost down time. I shall be more optimistic towards the working society. I love you all!

Friday, September 28, 2012
Peace! please

Recently my email got suspended. Not sure cos' of what, everything just happen so sudden and the next moment Hotmail has got my email suspended. Its so inconvenient. I have to view my mail through my other Hotmail account. Apart from that, I got to keep on verifying upon the ownership of that account. Its troublesome!

Recently ChurpChurp also suffered the same problem. Their system seem to be attacked by some hackers. This is how things go in this society; You get robbed only after you become rich just like the website got hacked only after they become famous.

I have always thought that I will only encounter selfish people in army, but guess I was wrong. People have learn to protect themselves by being selfish, trying to be competitive by pushing you down. How ugly can they get? How far will they go to prove they are superior?

Sometimes, I am wondering, is it me being too anti-social and close myself up to others, or is it I have encountered a bunch of selfish people. I'm confused. Its like sometimes I try to open to people and they sort of literally used you, disregarding your feelings, only theirs are the priority. Self-centered people...

Nonetheless recently I encountered salary issues. Its like when the agent needs you for that job, they will reply your every question almost immediately. However after you are done with the part time and its time for your pay, they will drag and drag, even appear to MIA and ignore your questions, anything about your salary, they will simply just avoid. I find that being irresponsible.

Integrity, responsibility and honesty are lacking in the current society. Haven't we learn all these in our Moral education during our primary school? Some of my friend think I am sensitive. Maybe it is the other way round, they are just not as detailed as I am, when it comes to analyzing one 's character and behavior.

The outside world and the one in army are both alike. Just that I realized it only now. Disappointed and yet there's nothing I can do about it, all I wish for is that I won't be as ugly as them. What will become of me if I were to do everything similar to whatever they have did to me? Peace! I would say should be the word of the day.

Saturday, September 1, 2012
a plain simple day @ east coast

Its been long since i went east coast park with my girlfriend. Every stretch of the walkway, there are memories lingering at the back of my mind. Memories is a very special thing; it stays on even when time has past us way long and has the ability to make one tear, smile, laugh even when it has no form. The more u want to remember something or someone, the more likely u will be able to forget, the more u try to forget someone or something, the harder for u to erase it.

I remember we laughing, quarreling, slacking at east coast park. Though there are ups and downs in our relationship, sometimes it become a little dramatic, im glad that we have pull though these 2 years together with trust and love. It has been hard, i can see it, thats why i appreciate even more for every bit of effort u have been trying to put in our relationship, and i meant it, thanks baby for everything and just wanna let u know that when i say i love you over more than a hundred times, i seriously do.

You are my primadonna girl; you are my little girl, you are everything possibly i can ever thought of, and i like every single role u may be in, though you maybe annoying in how you always want my care and concern, always want my shelter and protection, but you are seriously cute in your own way.

Alright lets share something more about east coast park. I remember when i first went east coast park with my ex, we took bus 196 and alight at marine parade, only to realize theres quite a distance from marine parade to ecp, not knowing there is actually a bus catered for the journey down to ecp, when we didn't even have to walk at all. Nonetheless people learn from experience.

When my girlfriend and i reached ecp, the first thing which caught my eye was a small little cutie taking his afternoon nap in the midst of noon. Thus i came walking to him and snatch two photos of him "in his act". Above are the photos. Isn't he cute? Covering his eye, though he somehow seem like having a headache haha. Yup so blah blah blah, we sat on our mat and laze there like king and queen.

Despite the countless times i went ecp, yesterday was the first time i have ever step into the market at ecp. There are satay stall, BBQ chicken wings, etc. There are too much of a variety to list all out. All i can say is that it smell like market 85; for all those who don't know, its somewhere in bedok north, and it taste like market 85 too!

As the market is located at area E of ecp, which neither of us is familiar with, we got "lost" when we were trying to make our way to the bus stop. We didn't manage to make it to the bus stop but we actually walk all the way to bedok from ecp, our first time though. It turns out to be a relaxing and fun walk. Sometimes walking down a long stretch of road when you are with the right person, the distance feels as though it isn't that long after all.

Oh yup lets not forget about our mini display of our very own casual wearing, our first ootd aka Outfit Of The Day :) How is it? How is it?

Okay this seem like quite a long post already, i shall stop here and probably continue next time, but u guys whoever who may be reading my post, be sure to stay tune to me and read on. Feel free to like, share or comment, thanks haha cya.

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Friday, August 31, 2012
Step Up Revolution and Imperfect - movies you cant miss this September

Hey guys, wow, my long awaited movie is now showing in theater! Step Up Revolution!! To me, whenever i watched a movie, i seldom get inspired, unless its really a good film. But honestly, Step Up Revolution did inspired me. It somehow manage to bring me alive, make me see colors. Im not exaggerating over here, its just how i have being inspired after watching the movie. It just sorta make me wanna keep watching and watching it again, its like some drugs, so addictive. Although the official trailer shows almost everything in the movie, i recommend you guys to watch it, cos its just different, the story line and how it goes about, you just cant catch it watching the trailer alone.

Heres another movie which i wish to share with you guys, though for me theres lesser impact, no dance moves as compared to Step Up Revolution, but this movie actually touches hearts. It makes us cry! Its IMPERFECT 《我们都不完美》. Its more of a local film, talking more of lives of teens, our thoughts and our mistakes. Parents may want to watch it with your kids, cos i find sometimes, parents either tends to overly protect their kids, causing them to be defiant. There are also parents who gives their children too much freedom and showing too little care and concern, making their kids to stray. Nonetheless, its not easy being parents. Its always hard to say till you become one.

This movie really touches me, especially whenever the small sister cries for his brother, its seem so real.

Haha you guys may think I have either too much money or too much time yea, well its not exactly that, cos Step Up Revolution is one movie which i have long awaited for, while Imperfect is what my gf have being longing to watch so ya, that explains everything. There will be a lot more movies which are worth watching and probably be on blockbuster, and i be more than glad to share it here with you guys, so do remember to stay tune to me and hear what i have to say about them.

Up next, its yet another action pack movie, Resident Evil Retribution. Its coming out this September! Below are the trailer of the movie.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012
Fireworks 2012

Hey guys, sorry for being inactive recently cos i have been busy with something else recently, everything seem so packed so i haven been blogging.

First up, yup!yup! National Day have since past and i bet everyone had enjoyed their long weekends, for i sure do =] Below are some of the photos i took with my iphone at the top of marina square, hope you guys like it.

There were those firworks which will form heart shape too..

Still remember i waited for an hour plus for the firework with my gf. Its so windy there, but for me its alright haha. When the parade finally start, i saw airplanes..

How cool is that?!? Doesn't it seem like tornadoes? Or are you reminded of X-men Revolution?

The light, the impact and the vibrant are all that attracts people to watch the firework and i still remember last year when my unit were the one supporting the NDP and i got to watch the firework right in front of me. It feels as though you own the world, the time simply freeze when the firework explode in the air. Though its loud, no one will cover their ears, cos all the attention have been drawn by the vibrant color of the firework haha. Its dam impressive. Nonetheless, this year 's firework isn't as bad, its some how comparable i guess.

Next stop i shall share about my experience in shopping at Jurong Point without spending a single cent! Sound unbelievable? Yea if im you, i will feel the same too. So be sure to read on to find out. Your reads are important to me =]

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Guys thinking and how we feel

Hey guys Happy 47th National Day Singapore! The fireworks in every NDP show always mark the peek of the performance itself, just like how it never fails to attract my attention every time it blow up in the air. Still remembering helping out in last years 's NDP, despite being tired, it turn out to be rather a fun and fruitful experience and exposure for me.

My girlfriend loves firework too, I start loving them just 'cos she likes it. Hey writing til here, shall I just start those ~


kind of thing? i think I should haha. Im not sure how true is it, but i will be giving you girls my true thinking and feeling about this. Here goes~


Guys love a girl’s smile, so even when you are eating something, and he looks at your mouth, he merely wants a smile from you, not that you got something stuck between your teeth, so don't get this wrong girls.

Guys will do anything just to get the girl’s attention, they may do silly stuff, or worst act cute, just so that you can look at him, give him the attention girls, if not he will just SIAN DIAO~

Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend, i mean c'mon, just like how much you girls dislike the feeling of your guy meeting up with his ex or thinking about his ex, its kind of a vice versa thing, so I guess its somewhat explanatory.

Guys cry!! But note, never say they are pussies, cos if you are able to see a guy cry in front of you, it just shows how important you are in his heart, enough said.

Guys actually love it when you touch them, their hand, their face or even body if they are those that did maintain your body.

Giving a guy a hanging message like “You know what?!..uh…never mind!” would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking, negatively. Ya it just turn him off.

You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly, cos' he simply need time to think it through.

Guys love their moms, not that they are mummy boys, unless you prefer guys who are closer to their dads who tends to be more male chauvinist.

Guys often talks about the girl who likes him, but that doesn’t mean that he likes her. Rather, in the case when he told you every single shit about him, who do you think is of more significance in his heart, that girl or you, so don't get pissed when you hear other girl 's name from his mouth, cos' he merely wants you to know everything, thats why he shared.

You can never understand him unless you listen to him. Does this phrase sounds familiar to you? If it does, it just mean you haven't being giving him your hearing ear. Solution, very simple, just sit down beside him, look at him and just ask him to say everything.

Guys are very open about themselves, they won't mind if other girls touch them, what have we gotta' lose man, unless it's a guy to gay kind of situation.

Guys really admire girls that they like even if they’re not that much pretty.

If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don’t need to give advice. A listening ear and few times of assurance is good enough.

A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you, so don't get mad when he does so, or worst, get the wrong message.

Shopping is NOT a sport. Thats a limit to how much we can shop, a break is probably needed every now and then.

Guys love girls with brains more than girls in miniskirts. This can get a little tricky, guys actually prefer girls who can think, but not those smarter than them, honestly.

Guys cannot keep secrets that girls tell them. Not explanatory though =X

Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!! Don't blame us, cos its in our blood.

Guys have strong passion but have weak will power, so they need your encouragement girls, to push them on.

Guys don’t really have final decisions, though its seem like being indecisive, but its actually cos ' of our great flexibility to accept.

If a guy has been kept shut or silent, say something, you don't need to make him smile, just keep trying to show that you care, hug him off guard, that will do the job.

Guys like femininity not feebleness. Its like how girls love hunks but being being like hulk, freaks them out.

A guy may instantly know if the girl likes him but can never be sure unless the girl tells him, so if you do, just needa tell him, it won't kill.

A guy would waste his time over games and basketball, the way a girl would do over her romance novels and make-ups, so try to understand girls.

A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.

When a problem arises, a guy usually keeps himself cool but is already thinking of a way out.

So girls, guys are simple, we don't really think much. They can be strong but are not complicated. Some of you may disagree with what I've said, ya but in general, thats me, how i feel, how i thinks. It may serve as a guide for you girls if you were wondering why we do this or that.

Hope you guys enjoy reading my post, do like or comment.

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